
Thursday 20 June 2019

Favourite Places

Favourite Places
Subheading Bucklands Beach is very fun.
Bucklands Beach is one of my Favourite Places to go. The water in nice when the sun shines on it. The walk along the beach is like spending time with your family.
Because of the winds breeze that brushes your Skin.
Some Days we ride along Bucklens beach and it is amazing.

Subheading Rainbows End is one of my favourite places.
Rainbows End. Rainbows End is fun because every time we go on a ride that is tall my sister screams like a baby. The food at Rainbows End is Yum because I have probably never eaten it before. The games are fun because I like the gun game because I might go into the Navy.

Subheading GTA5 is my favourite game.
Is my favourite game because you have got cool cars the grafects are cool and the guns look real. When i'm bored I can go play GTA5 because it keeps me occupied.
Playing GTA5 online is fun because I can play with my cousin on the races and kill him.

Subheading Family is most important.
My last but not least is spending time with my family.
Me and my family go to the park some days.
We all sometimes play ball tiggy and sometimes play just normal tag.
My most favourite is spending time with my family wherever and whenever. Your parents are the first… everything. They brought you into this world and hopefully, guide your development into a person you are today.
(Warning: Family Comes First).