
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Genomics fun day

Today we had a Genomics fun day, Glen breay and Glen innes came to Pt england school.
Glen breay and Glen innes came to Pt england to share their projects, then we all split into groups and talked. Then we had a quiz and who ever got the question right got a prize. Then for morning tea we had an apple a biscuit and a sandwich. After that we all had a challenge answering questions and my team came last and we did not get a prize. Then the Two schools left.

Tack Description: today we had a genomics fun day at pt england school with Glen breay and Glen innes and this is a little part of what we did today as a group

Thursday 24 October 2019

Tracking my learning

Task Description: Last term we were learning about all kinds of cells, this is all we did for cells and I learnt some new things like animal cells under water cells and that all life was in water before it was on land.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

somoa dance

Tack: this week we were lerning the samoa dance and this is the dance

Friday 18 October 2019

German folk

This Year we are doing life's a stage that is dance and dramer and room 1 are learning the German folk

How to be a good son

How to be a good son

What are some ways to be a good son. To be a good son you need to be helpful, listen, and respectful.

Being a good son is to help your family members.If you help your family out then one day they will help you if you need help. And if you have problems then they will help you because they know that you helped them in the past so they will help you in the future. For example, if you always do the right thing then you will earn your family's respect.

 Also to be a good son is to listen to your parents and to do what they say. Another way Is to help you family with some problems that they do not feel like telling anyone else.  Another way to be a good family member is to help them. You can help your friends with their work. And if they are getting angry, you can try to settle them down.

To be respectful is to not do any nought stuff. and to help people when they are stuck or need help with things. For example you can help with out get asked. And to always do the right thing.

So being helpful, respectful, and to listen, earns your parents respect.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Cheek cells

Task: This week we were looking at Cheek cells and this is what it looked like throught a microscope.

Monday 14 October 2019

Immersion assembly

Immersion assembly

This term our theme it lifes a stage. On the first day back at school we had an immersion assembly we all sat on the floor in the hall and then Mr J told a story about a boy and a girl.

Then Team 1 showed what they were going to do this term by a story called cinderella. They are doing plays, dancing, and facial expressions.

Team 2 are going to learn about how to be creative in there class and outside their class.

Team 3 are going to do some acting for their class on stage.

Team 4 are doing some dramatic acting dancing and plays.

The team I am it is Team 5 and this term we are doing dancing on stage for our class.

So that is what pt england is doing for this term.