Monday, 31 August 2020
Taha Whanau
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Term 3 Goals
My goal for my home class is to listen to my teacher
MY goal for my Reading and writing class is to finish all my work.
MY goal for my friends is to help them if they are in need.
My goal at home is to do all the chores and to listen.
And for school everyone has Goals to achieve and you can be
anything that you want to be.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Yr 7&8 Leaders
Yr 7 Leaders what they said.
1: Incourging others.
2: Being a Good rolmodle.
3: Steping out of there comfertzone.
4: Helping one another.
5: Setting an exsample.
6: Getting to know people.
7: Participating.
8: Trying new things.
9: Team Work.
10: Getting ready for the challenges ahead.
Yr 8 Leaders what they said.
1: Showing leadership.
2: Being a leader.
3: Showing the way.
4: Prepering for the future.
5: Incourgeing new things.
6: Prepering for the challenges ahead.
7: Steping up.
8: Helping Lead
9: Good rolmodle
10:Comunitcating with others.
Yr 8 Camp
My experience was shooting a Bow and Arrow, and Shooting an Air rifle at a target.
And Getting to drive a go kart and the fastest time was George with 33seconds.
My 3 Highlights for the first day.
1: knowing our cabins.
2: Getting to Shoot a bow & Arrow.
3:Doing KVCC Activities.
My 3 Highlights for the Second day.
1: Shoot Air Rifles.
2: Paintball shooting John K.
3: Obstacle course 45seconds.
My 3 Highlights for the third day.
1: Helping Clean.
2: Water Garden.
3: Seeing a peacock.
My Low light was leaving.